Indigenous Education Advisory Council

The Indigenous Education Advisory Council (IEAC) supports, enhances and increases school success for our Indigenous learners. The Council represents interests in the design, implementation and assessment of programs and services that will improve the school experience and academic achievement of Indigenous students.

In addition the IEAC will:
  • monitor the implementation of the Enhancement Agreement;
  • evaluate performance data and Indigenous programs;
  • ensure social, emotional and academic needs are considered;
  • share information about programs;
  • recommend and facilitate the implementation of new programs to provide better service to Indigenous students; and
  • provide strong communication and connection with Band Councils and other Indigenous groups served by the District.
The IEAC is composed of the following members appointed by their organization:
  • school district trustee, superintendent designate, district Indigenous teacher, elementary and secondary school administrator, 
  • three representatives from each of the bands*,
  • one representative of parents of students with Indigenous ancestry for the South Okangan Valley and one for the Similkameen Valley.
  • four student representatives from Similkameen Elementary/Secondary School and Southern Okanagan Secondary Schools (two student representatives each, one for grades 6-9, one for grades 10-12) (see Definitions for election criteria).
Various groups and individuals may be invited to meetings to participate in discussions and provide information as appropriate (eg. Indigenous education advocates, school administrators, band workers, etc). These guests do not have a vote in decisions.
Meeting Summaries - Current School Year
Meeting Summaries - 2020/2021 School Year
Meeting Summaries - 2019/2020 School Year: